Get away from bland with a side of pucker

I’ve been trying to add some red grapefruit to my diet. I’ve read that eating the big, bitter fruits to your diet will increase your metabolism and , thus, boost weight loss if eaten in conjunction with a low fat diet and exercise.
The most important ingredient in grapefruit that helps with weight loss is naringin, a flavinoid compound that gives the fruits their characteristic bitterness. The compound also blocks the uptake of fatty acids into the cells that prevent the body from using carbs.
There are significant numbers of antioxidants in grapefruit. Smokers might be interested in knowing that studies have shown that the consumption of three six-ounce glasses of grapefruit juice a day reduces the activity of cancer-causing chemicals in tobacco smoke. (Certainly, I’m not suggesting that you can continue to smoke with no ill effects as long as you’re slugging down the grapefruit juice.)
While all grapefruit is high in antioxidants, red grapefruits contain lycopene, the phytochemical that helps prevent LDL (the “bad cholesterol”) from oxidizing and damaging artery walls.
For a few days, I just ate a cup of the sliced citrus for breakfast. Boring.
Then I thought I might eat some slices on the side with a salad and a whole wheat roll for lunch. Bland with a side of pucker. Yawn!
So, the time for experimentation began. Instead of eating on the side with a rabbit food salad, I decided to make it a part of the salad. Grapefruit and lettuce is just more of the same. Mix the fruit with spinach leaves and it’s a little more exciting, but still not much to write home (or on a blog) about.
I finally hit on a great combination of flavors and textures that makes diet food to die for.
Spicy, Crunchy Grapefruit Salad
3 large grapefruit
1 small red pepper, julienne
2 medium oranges
1 jalapeño pepper, chopped
2 tablespoons cilantro, chopped
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon poppy seeds
1 small green pepper, julienne
1 teaspoon olive oil
· Peel and segment the grapefruit and oranges squeeze the juice.
· Combine the cut grapefruit, oranges, red onion, red pepper, green pepper, jalapeño, salt and olive oil.
· Toss carefully.

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