So do vegetarians get the day off on Thanksgiving too?

I actually had someone ask me in if I get the day off on Thanksgiving like "real people".
Yes, I do. And, by the way, vegetarians are real people.
"OK," he continued, "but is there anything you can eat?"
You're joking, right?
When carnivores stuff themselves into a stupor on Thanksgiving, it's usually not on the bird. Holiday tables are loaded with a cornucopia (pun intended) of vegetarian dishes. You can eat just the side dishes and desserts and be stuffed fuller than the unfortunate turkey. (Believe me, I eat so much on holidays that I wouldn't have room for the bird if I wanted it.)
And, no, I don't eat Tofurkey (a . It almost seems like a non-vegetarian's practical joke on non-meat eaters. (See the photo above.) I do not want a tofu ball stuffed with textured vegetable protien, and even a fake "wishbone".
There are plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as breads, cakes and pies to last for several meals. Like most people, I eat them all at one sitting.
When I first became a vegetarian, the family worried I would starve to death. After all, if you don't eat meat there is nothing left to eat, right?
As I have obviously kept my weight up, they have ceased to worry about my lack of food options. Sure there are scrawny vegetarians, but there are plenty of us who surely get enough to eat.
So at the Thanksgiving table, I intend to pile my plate high with fruit, green beans, sweet potatoes, salad, spinach pie, rolls, French bread slices, cheese, pumpkin pie, cheesecake...need I go on?
Take a look at the food on your plate this holiday season. Do you really need that meat? Is it really an integral part of your meal? Just a suggestion.
Whatever you eat, try to keep in mind, that we all have so much for which to be thankful. Not just today, but every day. Thanksgiving shouldn't just be a one day holiday.
We should be thankful every single day for our families, friends and those who bring us happiness every day. Be thankful for the sun and the rain and the pretty flowers outside the back door. Be thankful for the person in line at the grocery who made you smile with their funny question.
No matter how bad your day seems, there is something for which to be thankful. Always keep that in mind.
Happy Thanksgiving.

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