Beans and Rice Italiano

My cousin Rob is trying to take a few baby steps down the vegetarian path, thanks to my nagging and the encouragement of his yoga instructor.
He wants to start by adding beans to his culinary palette.
Cannellini Beans, he said, were his favorite. Some people think that Cannellini Beans, Navy Beans and Great Northern Beans are all the same thing. They are all white beans, but other than that they are different in taste, texture and shape.
Here's a short bean primer:
Cannellini Beans are large and have that traditional kidney shape. With a slightly nutty taste and mild earthiness, they have a relatively thin skin and tender, creamy flesh. They hold their shape well and are one of the best white beans for salads and ragouts.
Great Northern beans are smaller than cannellinis and and suitable for any number of uses: salads, soups, stews, ragouts, purees. Their texture is slightly grainy, with a nutty, dense flavor. They kind of look like white baby lima beans.
Navy beans are small and oval and cook relatively quickly. Some people call them Boston beans, pea beans or alubias chicas, Navy beans are perfect for dishes that don't need the full bean shape to shine: purees, soups, stews and - my personal favorite - baked beans.
But, for my cousin who likes the cannellini beans and who wants something more exciting than beans from the can to keep him on the vegetarian path, I came up with a beans and rice recipe that is truer to our heritage.
Italian Beans and Rice
1 can cannellini beans
1 can diced tomatoes
1/2 small onion, diced
1 teaspoon olive oil
2 cups prepared rice
1/2 teaspoon each of basil, oregano, thyme, rosemary, sugar
1/4 teaspoon nutmeg, freshly grated
Parmesan Cheese
  • In a saucepan, fry the onions in the oil until they are soft.
  • Add the beans, tomatoes, basil, oregano, thyme, rosemary and sugar. (The sugar cuts the acid in the tomatoes.) Heat through.
  • Mix in the rice.
  • Grate a bit of nutmeg over the top and stir it in.
  • Put a bit of parmesan cheese over the top and serve.




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