Add a little spice to a Veg-Mex meal

I'm a big fan of what we all call Mexican food. Not the fast food sort that is bland and which varies so little in flavor that you sometimes can't tell the difference between the offerings.
I'm not really an expert on authentic Mexican food. I spent a week and a half South of the Border when I was about 10. 
At that point in my life, I was more interested in the Mayan ruins than the food ...with the possible exception of spicy-sweet Mayan chocolate, I absorbed nothing of the Mexican culinary offerings.
I was perfectly happy with a basket of fruit from the mercado before heading off to learn about how the Mayans would sacrifice a virgin to the rain god Chac by taking her heart out while she was still alive. (You now understand why I had little appetite for food while I had an appetite for such anthropological pursuits; and that I have always been a complete and total geek.)
I think my taste in Mexican cuisine would probably be more accurately described as Tex-Mex rather than authentic Mexican. And while this food is often laden with meat, I don't think it loses anything to be eaten without flesh as an ingredient.
Enchiladas are one of my favorites. While some people like to put refried beans inside the tortilla with the other ingredients, I like to put mine on the side, atop a pile of fluffy rice.
These tasty treats are a bit messy, so tuck your napkin up under your chin and dig in.
Cheese Enchiladas
1 dozen tortillas
1 1/4 pounds of grated cheese
1 onion, chopped
1 teaspoon of oregano
3 tablespoons of olives, chopped
2 jars of enchilada sauce
1 avocado, sliced thinly
sour cream and cilantro leaves for garnish
  • Add the chopped onion to a pound of the cheese, the oregano and the olives. Mix.
  • Soften the tortillas in butter until they begin to puff up. Dip each tortilla in some of the enchilada sauce.
  • Put a glob of the cheese mix in each tortilla. Add a few slices of avocado and roll them up.
  • Place all the enchiladas, rolled and filled, into a pan.
  • Pour the rest of the enchilada sauce over the enchiladas and put the rest of the cheese on top.
  • Put into the oven and bake at 350 degrees just until the cheese is melted and beginning to bubble.
  • Garnish with cilantro leaves and some sour cream

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