In a pickle

Jessica came back from the flea market recently with the story of "hot pickles" she had tasted at one of the stands.
This started one of our family's ongoing "debates". Someone will arrive at the house with a tale of something they've eaten. "I can make that," I will announce. "You can't make (fill in the blank). They have to make (fill in the blank) in a factory.
I think it might have started off as a joke...maybe not, but now, it is a challenge. If someone says you can only make something in a factory or a restaurant, I have to make it at home. And it has to be as good or better than the original.
So, off I went into the kitchen to make hot pickles.
This was a couple of weeks ago. They have to sit for at least a week so the flavors can meld together.
The hardest part of making these pickles is waiting for them to be ready.
According to Jessica, these pickles are worth the wait. I think I might have liked them a little spicier, but they are very good.
Hot Dill Pickles
2 cucumbers, sliced thin
4 cups of apple cider vinegar
4 cups of wat
2 cups of sugar
1/2 cup of salt
1 piece of dill
4 cloves of garlic
1 small hot pepper
  • Heat the vinegar, the water, the sugar and the salt in a pot. Bring to a boil.
  • Stuff the cucumbers into clean canning jars. Add the garlic, dill and a little but of the hot pepper in layers in the jars.
  • Pour the hot vinegar mixture over the cukes.
  • Seal the jars tightly. Wait a week or two, pop the top off. Enjoy!

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