These chocolates are a treat - not a raw deal

  I am not a raw foods person, though I know some of you might be.
 Vegetarian eating is conscious eating, you make the choice to not eat meat and you have to make a conscious choice each time you have a meal to eat a certain way. You can't just run down to a fast food joint and grab whatever from the dollar menu.
 A raw food diet is more complex than that. Every bite of food is a conscious choice. It is carefully planned. It is a complete lifestyle change that cannot be done easily. I have not reached that level...maybe one day.
  But, as I stumbled around the internet looking for scrumptious holiday recipes, I found a treat that looked tasty, included chocolate and was, by definition, raw.
  You can eat raw and still have chocolate? This healthy way of life might deserve another look.
  The resulting cookie is a little dry to those of us used to creamy chocolate delights, but it is surprisingly tasty. If you're looking for something that tastes great, and is a little different for your holiday table, this is it. It's not gooey and it tastes healthy, but with a chocolatey kick.
Chocolate Marzipan Cookies
2 1/2 cups of almond meal
1/2 cup of agave nectar
10 drops of bitter almond essence 
1 tablespoon of Cacao powder
1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon
In a small bowl fold in the almond meal, agave and bitter almond essence with a spatula.
With damp hands and using a 1/2 tablespoon size measuring spoon, measure and roll into small compressed balls.
For Chocolate Dust:
In a shallow bowl shift the cacao powder and cinnamon.
Roll each marzipan ball in the cacao powder until completely covered being sure to shake off excess powder.

Vegan, Raw

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