Easing back into things

Peas and Spinach in Lemon
(taken with my Hipstamatic Camera
  Toward the end of last year, I came to the nearly-belated realization that the pounds had snuck up on me.
  While I was five inches shorter than the average American woman, I was about 15 pounds heavier than she. While I felt was at least used to the way that I looked, I was technically obese.
  It took some doing and a lot of encouragement from my oldest daughter and now exercise buddy, Genevieve, but I am at least on the right track.
  I have discovered that diets that eliminate everything fun and leave you eating food that bores you to tears do not work. So, instead of taking the attitude of eliminating things, I started the other way. I cut out all but the essentials and then started ADDING to the list of things I can eat. 
  Such a journey - I decided - was hardly fit to share until I had come to a point where I was ready, once again, to experiment with food. Who wants to read, after all, the account of a bland meal made of tofu and some blanched almonds. It is a road best travelled alone with the resulting destination explored rather than the trip.
  At this point, I'd like to pat myself on the back for 20 pounds lost (with 16 inches total lost from my waist and hips - the most troublesome areas for me). It's working, though there is much more still to go.
  During all this, Steve agreed to try to cut back on his meat consumption and to try to incorporate more veggies into his diet. Along those lines, I came up with a tasty side dish that would double the vegetables in a meal.
Peas and Spinach in Lemon
Cooking spray or a drizzle of olive oil
2 cups of fresh spinach, stems trimmed
1 cup of frozen peas
1/4 cup of lemon juice
Pepper, to taste
  • 1 tablespoon of Feta Cheese, crumbled
  • Heat up the pan with the oil or spray over medium high heat. 
  • Add the peas and the lemon juice and cook until the juice has evaporated.
  • Add the spinach and the pepper and cook until the spinach begins to wilt.
  • Add the Feta and remove from the heat.


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