A sweet new way with an Italian classic

I am on a serious mango kick lately. Yesterday, I had mango in one way or another for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks.
Mango on my oatmeal, mango smoothie, mango salsa, mango slices with avocado...you'd think I'd be sick of them, but I'm not.
So, today, I was thinking of a Caprese Salad for lunch. I scavenged around the fridge for a tomato when I came across another mango. Wait...could I? No. Why not? Oh yum!
Sweet mango, slightly salty mozzarella cheese and savory basil. And just a drizzle of a balsamic vinaigrette. A complete celebration for the senses.
For this recipe, you're going to want to use a just-barely-ripe (very firm) mango so you can slice it thinly. Don't be afraid of this mixture. You know you love lots of flavors melded together. You know it will wake up your tongue and make you shout!
Mango Caprese Salad
1 mango, peeled and sliced (toss the stone)
1 handful of basil leaves
1/4 pound of mozzarella (just pinch off large pieces)
1 tablespoon of olive oil
1 tablespoon of balsamic vinegar
  • Put slices of mango on the plate.
  • Top the slices with the basil leaves, cut them up to give it a less formal look.
  • Sprinkle the cheese pinches around the plate.
  • Mix the oil and the vinegar and drizzle that over the salad. 


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