Life, liberty and the pursuit of sticky inspiration

My kids all loved Marshmallow Fluff when they were little. Who doesn't?
While it has ABSOLUTELY no nutritional value, it is a fun treat . It's sweet. It's messy. It goes well with peanut butter. It might be a regional thing, but  members of the New England part of the family introduced the younguns to Fluffernutter Sandwiches and they all love that combination.
I knew someone who used to paint Oreo® cookies with the fluffy treat and eat it for breakfast. This same person told me that ice cream was not an acceptable breakfast food.
Steve, on the other hand, says Fluff is too sweet. He prefers marshmallows. ("It's the same thing." "No it's not." "Yes it is." "No...")
Of course, the kids are all grown now and have much more sophisticated tastes, but I don't think anyone ever really outgrows their sweet teeth. Now, we have to find more grown up ways to eat our fluff. 
I recently made graham crackers, plopped some fluff on them and added some dark chocolate. Topped with another graham cracker, I had an upscale s'more, which could be made and consumed indoors by those too prissy to make their own dessert at the firepit.
The fluff, which can cost upwards of $3 a container can be made for less than a dollar with the added reward of having a delicious bowl to clean up after the fact.
So whip up this treat, save a little and start getting creative with this sweet inspiration.
PS Steve always jokes that I should leave this sort of thing to the factories because they have perfected the recipe. Well, I will give him this: the Fluff packagers have it down to a science when it comes to getting the sticky stuff into containers. Getting this stuff into canning jars was no easy task!

3 egg whites
2 cups of light corn syrup
1/2 teaspoon of salt
2 cups of confectioner's sugar
1 tablespoon of vanilla extract
  • In a large bowl, combine the egg whites, the corn syrup and the salt.
  • Mix on high speed for 10 minutes (or until thick).
  • Add the confectioner’s sugar and beat on low speed until it’s all well blended.
  • Add the vanilla and mix until everything is blended.

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