When life gives you lemons...make lemonade

What is more summery than a tart and sweet icy drink? 


This All American drink is much older than the USA, however. The first written account of a highly sugared lemon juice drink, qatarmizatwas sold in jars in Egypt in the tenth century. So there's nothing new under the sun god. Ra! Ra! Ra! (Sorry, I'm a nerd and it's impossible for me not to make that joke.)

Anyway, I love lemonade. I liked the powdery mix my grandmother used to stir up until I took a stroll in the Boston Common as a young adult and had a lemonade too quench a Summer thirst.

You cannot compare the powdered stuff with fresh squeezed lemonade. They are not in the same league...they're not even the same sport.

I drank the lemonade and went back for another. That time, I watched carefully to see what he did and I went home and did exactly the same thing. Over the years I have made some adjustments and here you have what may be the best recipe for lemonade.

I know some folks who make their's with honey, some with maple syrup. One friend adds ginger and another puts in lavender. How do you like your lemonade? 

Perfect Summer Lemonade
Makes 2 quarts

1 cup of sugar
7 cups of water
Approximately 5 lemons (enough to make 1 cup of juice)
3 cups of ice*
Lemon slices for serving

Put the sugar and the water in a pot and heat until the sugar melts. This makes a simple syrup. If you do this, you won't have to constantly stir the lemonade to re-incorporate the sugar.
While the syrup is cooling down a bit, squeeze the lemons.
Put ice in a pitcher.
Pour the lemon juice over the ice and then pour the syrup over the juice. Give it a quick stir.
Pour into a glass and garnish with a lemon slice.
(If you are looking for a more adult beverage, this mixes quite well with vodka or tequilla. I have been told that gin matches nicely as well. You do you...)

*There are two schools of thought on the ice, some like crushed. I prefer cubes. Both are equally cold, I just think the crushed is a slushy and not purely a drink...go with your preference on this.

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